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About the Founder

This was founded by Pr. Philip Abraham, a native of Kerala and a resident of the Middle East. He’s been living there for the past 29 years and has been associated with the Christian ministry there for over 27 years. In virtue of his calling at a really young age he had decided to act upon it by preaching the Good News to the poor just as the Lord had commissioned him to do so.

As a result he has been visiting different states in India for the past few years to learn and to study about their culture, religion, means of livelihood and various other aspects of their life. His vision of helping the masses has brought him to introduce this platform.

Along with him his team of enthusiasts who share the same goal have been striving towards achieving the same amidst great struggles and hardships. And if one were to ask why go through all this trouble, it’s because Christ’s love compels us.

Our Christian Approach

Transformation of lives through love and compassion. Formation of churches, equipping people with spiritual insightand to free the struggling souls. This is our attempt to make aware the loving outreach of God to the world. We build new churches in various villages and spread The Good News, accommodating the needs of the people and by supporting them mentally and physically and also by helping them become self-reliant or independent.