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Loving God, loving others and serving the world

Welcome to Rehoboth India Mission.


Sharing the God’s love with everyone

Rehoboth India Mission has been formed with a mission to succour the impoverished and the underprivileged by providing them with the help they require. A country of over 1.3 billion people, India, we have decided to start off from the north Indian states and then gradually expand our horizon to the other states.

Our course of action includes projects like charitable funding, setting up orphanages, training centers, equipping deprived children with better education and providing employment opportunities to the people in their villages and apprising them of God’s unconditional love.

We all need somebody to help us out at some point of time, on that account we welcome all of you to be a part of this journey by helping us in helping these needy multitudes.

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Helping, Caring and Transforming Lives
Transforming Lives & Restoring Hope

Our Mission Work till 2022

By the grace of God glimses of the mission work we undertook till 2022.


Sharing God’s Love with Everyone

We experience biblical community through small groups. We contribute our time, talents, and resources to further the Mission of Jesus in our communities and the world.

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Your Donations Matters

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Giving is a biblical principle that when lived by, produces a rich harvest in our lives. Consider donating today and join the wonderful community of our church supporters. Your giving is making a difference in this church, our community, and the world.

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